All 300+ of Ra Uru Hu’s video teachings available on Ra.TV
A Quick Introduction to Human Design
5 videos in this series • 2h 34m total duration
What is Human Design? What is it not? And who is Ra Uru Hu? Newcomers to Human Design, start here.
What Human Design is Not
Animated 15-Minute Introduction to the Human Design System
Who is Ra Uru Hu?
Introductions to Live Audiences
4 videos in this series • 5:24:52 total duration
From the early 90’s up until his death in 2011, Ra toured the world teaching Human Design. Watch these recordings of his introductions to Human Design to live audiences.
Amsterdam, Netherlands | October, 2010
Sedona, Arizona | 1995
Zurich, Switzerland | March 18 1993
Hamburg, Germany | Early 90's
Munich, Germany | 1994
15 videos in this series • 2:30:24 total duration
From the early 90’s up until his death in 2011, Ra toured the world teaching Human Design. Watch these recordings of his introductions to Human Design to live audiences.
Your Truth
Generators and Manifesting Generators
Strategy and Authority
Generators (and Manifesting Generators): Strategy, Signature and Aura
Manifesting Generators
Just Breathe
Manifestors: Strategy, Signature and Aura
The Way
Projectors: Strategy, Signature and Aura
Reflectors: Strategy, Signature and Aura
Inner Authority
13 videos in this series • 1:22:34 total duration
Inner Authority reveals one of the most important things in life: what you can trust to make decisions as the unique individual you are. Inner Authority is the key to living correctly.
Making Decisions
Self Love
Solar Plexus
The Big Lie
Minor Authorities
No Direct Inner Authority
Simple Truth
9 videos in this series • 1:02:21 total duration
Learn how Definition influences your energetic makeup and interaction with others. Gain profound insights on the significance of Auras and the benefits of sleeping alone.
Single Definition
The Trap
Split Definition
Love and Acceptance
Triple Split Definition
Being Correct
Quadruple Split Definition
Sleeping Alone
Angles and Profiles
21 videos in this series •7:43:54 total duration
Profile reveals your personality traits, life themes, and how you interact with the world. Understanding and embracing your Profile will help you live a more authentic life.
Left, Right and Juxtaposition
1/3 Profile
1/4 Profile
2/4 Profile
2/5 Profile
3/5 Profile
3/6 Profile
4/6 Profile
4/1 Profile
5/1 Profile
5/2 Profile
6/2 Profile
6/3 Profile
Left Angle
Right Angle
Individual Truth
Kids, Teens and Parents
12 videos in this series •00:58:58 total duration
How can you help kids and teens thrive in their unique way? This series helps parents create an environment that nurtures self-expression and authenticity in children.
Being a Teenager: A Clarion's Call
Type, Strategy & Signature for Teenagers (& Newcomers)
Drugging Children
Women and Religion
Look Up
They are actually OK
Left-ness & Right-ness In Traditional Education
Back to School
Encounter with 'The Voice'
4 videos in this series 2:06:29 total duration
Ra recounts the events that occurred, and led up to, the life-changing experience that took place between January 3rd and 11th, 1987.
Prequel to Encounter - Halley Event
Prequel to Encounter - San Juan Satori
Prequel to Encounter - The Ruina
Encounter with 'The Voice'
The Rave Bodygraph: Centers and Streams
35 videos in this series 9:18:36 total duration
The defined and undefined aspects of the Centers contribute to your conditioning and overall well-being. Ra explains the role of each Center and how they contribute to your unique energetic makeup.
Awareness Frequency
The Mind: From not Knowing to Knowing
The Mind: From Doubt to Detail
Does it Matter
The Mind: From Confusion to Tales
The Big Joke
The Throat: The Voices of Babel
The Li
The G: The Diamond at the Center of Being
The 7 Fears of the Splenic Center
The Spleen: From Ambition to Egoism
The Spleen: From 'Who am I' to 'I am'
The Spleen: From Vitality to Identification
Solar Plexus
Solar Plexus: The Waves of Chaos
Food, Sex and Adventure
Solar Plexus: Need - From Field to Pot
Solar Plexus: Passion - From Cool to Hot
Solar Plexus: Desire - From On to Off
Social Potential in the Bodygraph
The Root: To Be or Not to Be
The Sacral: Generating the World
Empowered in the Now
The Power Column: From Sacral to G
The Power Column: From the G to the Throat
The Metamorphic Gates
Dilemma's of the Heart
Open Heart
The Heart of the Matter
A Complete Guide to the Human Design System
25 videos in this series 2:24:02 total duration
Ra gives an extensive overview of the Human Design System. Learn how humans evolved from a seven-centered to a nine-centered being and the impact this has on consciousness today.
Not Believing
The Beginning Before the Start
The Global Orchestration Directories
The Program and the Godhead
The Seven Centered Being
This and That
The Nine Centered Being
The Rave
Behind Your Back
The Not Self
Identity Crisis
The Dream Rave
The Program: The Transits
The Sub-structure: The Base
The Sub-structure: The Tone
The Sub-structure: The Color
The Perfection of Being
Supporting People After a Reading
Be Present
Living With the Program
7 videos in this series 00:43:46 total duration
Conditioning can have a profound impact on our personal, social, and economic lives. Ra teaches you how to recognize this by paying attention to the transits.
The Lines of the Day
Nodes of the Moon
Living with the Program
The Teaching
The Expression
The Control
In Closing
The School of Enlightened Selfishness
13 videos in this series 4:00:24 total duration
Self-care is essential to your well-being. What might seem selfish putting yourself first, ultimately benefits those around you. Ra breaks down the journey of life into three distinct chapters.
Birth to Saturn: The True Self and Diet
Alone In The Space
Saturn to Kiron: Planting the Cross
Post Kiron: Lights, Camera, Action
Test Drive
Who is in Charge?
Why Planet
Where Are You?
Who's Searching
What is Happening?
The Mystic Monologues
13 videos in this series 4:51:23 total duration
Ra delves into the profound changes occurring in the world and the evolution of Human consciousness. Learn how to recognize these shifts and how not to become distracted by the mundane.
Change is in Play
Distraction: The Great Deluder
Fallen Angels
The Signature Question
The Mundane
Projectors: A Clarion's Alert
The Madness of the 'Normal' Mind
Introduction to Variable
Manifestor Encore
Profiting from the Not-Self
The Dream State Revealed
The Ra Uru Hu Lectures | Ibiza Event 2009
7 videos in this series 4:07:33 total duration
In this 2009 Ibiza event, Ra shares his insights on topics central to the Human Design System and life. He encourages you to embrace the flow of life and to be present in the moment.
Beginning Without Intent
Nodes of the Moon
The Truth About The Moon
Seeing, Seeing, Seeing
The Money Game
Introduction to Variable and Advanced Mechanics
4 videos in this series 2:17:58 total duration
Gain a deeper understanding of your energetic makeup as RA gives an overview of Variable, an in-depth lecture on diet (PHS), emphasizing the importance of nutrition tailored to your unique design.
10 Minute Lecture about Variable
10 Minute Lecture about Diet (PHS)
The Wonder of Variable
Footnotes to Variable
The 16 Variable Workshops | Ibiza Event 2009
17 videos in this series 1:12:00 total duration
Variable has a profound impact on digestion, environment, awareness, and perspective. Understanding this within your design can lead to greater self-awareness and empowerment.
Variable Workshops
From the Book of Letters
2 videos in this series 12:54:07 total duration
How is the not-self impacting your life? Learn how to navigate beyond these limitations for a more authentic life experience.
Never Mind
Attraction and Resonance
The Rave New Year
7 videos in this series 00:31:14 total duration
Ra challenges the conventional understanding of the new year and explains the true timing of this cycle within the Human Design framework.
The Four Stages to the Rave New Year
The Four Stages to the Rave New Year Continued
Opening Stages of the Rave New Year Lesson 1
Opening Stages of the Rave New Year Lesson 2
Opening Stages of the Rave New Year Lesson 3
December 31st Not New Year
New Year
Rave History
10 videos in this series 1:00:43 total duration
Take a journey with Ra through past, present, and future from the lens of Global Cycles and their resulting background frequency.
The Evolution of Type
The Histidine Mutation
Mutation 1: 12/11
Mutation 2: 55/59
The Trans Auric Form
Left and Rightness
Pluto Interregnum
The Design of Forms
8 videos in this series 12:42:17 total duration
Explore the designs of various life forms on this planet ranging from the inanimate to trans-auric forms and gain a more holistic understanding of how design applies to all life found on earth.
The Inanimate
The Single Cell
The Plants
Fish, Birds and Reptiles
The Penta
The Wa
Design Perspectives
75 videos in this series 27:43:59 total duration
Ra Uru Hu and other Human Design Analysts give lectures on various topics related to Human Design. This series also provides an in-depth explanation of the 64 gates.
Design Perspectives 01
Design Perspectives 02
Design Perspectives 03
Design Perspectives 04
Design Perspectives 05
Design Perspectives 06
Design Perspectives 07
Design Perspectives 08
Design Perspectives 09
Design Perspectives 10
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Design Perspectives 75
Phoenix Rising
26 videos in this series 6:55:36 total duration
This series features a diverse group of individuals who share their Human Design experiment and the transformative power it’s had on their lives.
Phoenix Rising 01
Phoenix Rising 02
Phoenix Rising 03
Phoenix Rising 04
Phoenix Rising 05
Phoenix Rising 06
Phoenix Rising 07
Phoenix Rising 08
Phoenix Rising 09
Phoenix Rising 10
Phoenix Rising 11
Phoenix Rising 12
Phoenix Rising 13
Phoenix Rising 14
Phoenix Rising 15
Phoenix Rising 16
Phoenix Rising 17
Phoenix Rising 18
Phoenix Rising 19
Phoenix Rising 20
Phoenix Rising 21
Phoenix Rising 22
Phoenix Rising 23
Phoenix Rising 24
Phoenix Rising 25
3 videos in this series 00:44:15 total duration
Ra was also a musician, he sang and played both the guitar and piano. You can watch him play solo or perform with his band, The Dog Queen's Penta.
Dear Ol Al
Dog Queen's Penta - Concert - A Fools Entertainment - The Film

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